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What we’re learning

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OUR why and WHO

Workplace Innovation is the social process of creating lasting value by mobilizing new ideas.

Employee-driven innovation in the workplace can improve both organizational performance and the quality of work life.

Our workplace and academic partners collaborate on a shared challenge: preparing Canada’s workforce for the Future of Work.

academic partners

Our Academic Partners to date have come primarily from Canadian institutions in British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, and Québec. You can learn more about our NETWORK PROJECTS FOR CANADA and our INTERNATIONAL PARTNERS below.

All of our projects are co-operations across academic disciplines and supporting expertise, including educators from diverse areas such as Business, Community Health, Communications, Design, Education, Engineering, English, History, Management, Preparatory Academic and Career Studies, Psychology, Science, Social Innovation, Theatre, Tourism, Trades and Technology and Work-Integrated Learning.



Each project network collaborates with regional workplace partners and networks to co-create learning resources for joint use and co-develop work-integrated learning. Our Workplace Partners have come from Corporate, Public, Social/Community and Labour organizations.

You can find details of collaborations and ongoing opportunities on our Projects page.

Our lead workplace partner is the Knowledge Management Institute of Canada.


Student Partners

All of WINCan’s projects with Workplace Partners have involved Student Partners as co-innovators. All of our projects with Academic Partners have of course targeted students as learners, and some have also involved students as co-creators of insights and learning resources.

Our work with Students Partners builds on two decades of international initiatives to engage students as full partners in shaping and evaluating Teaching and Learning. One of our innovations has been a re-framing of student contributions, away from Students as Partners in Teaching and Learning and toward Student Partners in Creating Learning and Innovation (SPARCLIN).

You can see examples of the Student Voice in WINCan projects here. (Another student project was the initial prototype of this website 😊.)


internatiONal PARTNERS

Monash University, Melbourne: the Monash Arts Developing Innovation Capability Initiative is a key part of the Faculty of Art's 2020-2025 Strategic Plan. We are sharing insights and resources across our WINCan Canadian projects and the related initiatives in Australia. You can find an overview and updates on the Monash project here.

Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation (ITaLI), University of Queensland, Brisbane: ITaLI first partnered with us as hosts of an Australian national Teaching & Learning Fellowship and a National Forum on The Future of the B.A. in September 2017. You can see the results of our UQ partnership here.


Our 2017-2018 B.C. pilot projects showed how innovations in higher ed’s “workplaces for learning” can provide experiential learning for workplace innovation capability. That work continues with an institutional emphasis on Work-Integrated Learning in innovation projects. You can see some of the results of our past B.C. projects here.

Our 2018-2019 prototypes with Ontario workplace and academic partners demonstrate some of the ways academic and workplace partners can collaborate to advance workplace innovation capability. We also experimented with a distributed team of student and workplace learners to address a Design Challenge from one of our public sector workplace partners through.

Our 2020-21 Canadian project bridged the workplace-academic divide by adapting recent insights on organizational innovation capability from the corporate sector into the public and academic sectors. (Those insights focus on how “mature organizations” can systematically sustain strategic innovation.)

Our first 2021-22 project in Canada is a shared effort between an Ontario university and one of Ontario's regional innovation centres. The work includes mobilizing research insights to improve a program developing Innovation Catalysts in local workplaces and adapting learning resources on workplace innovation across sectors. You can track this ongoing project here.


How to stay in the loop:

Click here for options to subscribe to the new results and insights in our ongoing What We’re Learning blog posts plus significant updates to projects and plans (1-2 per month)

Key Contacts:

Academic Partnerships: Thomas Carey

Workplace Partnerships: Blake Melnick

Research Partnerships: Anahita Baregheh

Upcoming Events:

Workshops and Training: Tyrenny Anderson

General Information: