An Overview of Community Innovation Trends - Part One: Design-Based Approaches

Galen's post links to his research note on Community Innovation Trends. If you're not familiar with the Community Innovation notion, it refers to a particular form of social innovation that is place-based –​ within the specific geography of a community. 

We  liked the way Galen positions  Design Thinking within a larger space of Design-Based approaches to Community Innovation (and notes that Design-Based methods are themselves part of a larger space that includes Scale-Based and Inclusion-Based methods). For example, there is also a good discussion of the Social Labs method as an alternate approach, comments on when Design Thinking or Social Labs may be the preferred  choice, and a concluding section on integrating Design Thinking and Social Labs to get the best of both methods.

To read Galen’s full article posted originally to the Tamarack Institute website, click here.
